- a [[tool]]. - [[personal knowledge management]] - #go https://github.com/lervag/wiki.vim - #doc https://github.com/lervag/wiki.vim/blob/master/doc/wiki.txt - shortcuts excerpted below - I set to `,`, the default is `\` - not to be confused with [[vim wiki]]. - only thing missing for now is autocomplete for `[[`, which IIUC should be supported -- but I haven't made it play well with [[ncm2]] yet. - opened a bug about this :) - for pasting images, I'm trying [[md img paste]] by [[ferrine]]. ``` MODE LHS RHS~ ==== === === `n` ww |(wiki-index)| [GLOBAL] `n` wn |(wiki-open)| [GLOBAL] `n` ww |(wiki-journal)| [GLOBAL] `n` wx |(wiki-reload)| [GLOBAL] `n` wb |(wiki-graph-find-backlinks)| `n` wlc |(wiki-graph-check-links)| `n` wg |(wiki-graph-in)| `n` wG |(wiki-graph-out)| `n` wf |(wiki-link-toggle)| `n` wd |(wiki-page-delete)| `n` wr |(wiki-page-rename)| `n` wt |(wiki-page-toc)| `n` wT |(wiki-page-toc-local)| `n` wp |(wiki-export)| `x` wp |(wiki-export)| `n` wll |(wiki-link-show)| `n` wlh |(wiki-link-extract-header)| `n` wsl |(wiki-tag-list)| `n` wsr |(wiki-tag-reload)| `n` wss |(wiki-tag-search)| `n` |(wiki-link-next)| `n` |(wiki-link-follow)| `n` |(wiki-link-follow-split)| `n` |(wiki-link-follow-vsplit)| `n` u |(wiki-link-follow-tab)| `n` |(wiki-link-prev)| `n` |(wiki-link-return)| `n` gl |(wiki-link-toggle-operator)| `x` |(wiki-link-toggle-visual)| `ox` au |(wiki-au)| `ox` iu |(wiki-iu)| `ox` at |(wiki-at)| `ox` it |(wiki-it)| `n` |(wiki-journal-prev)| [JOURNAL] `n` |(wiki-journal-next)| [JOURNAL] `n` |(wiki-journal-copy-tonext)| [JOURNAL] `n` wu |(wiki-journal-toweek)| [JOURNAL] `n` wm |(wiki-journal-tomonth)| [JOURNAL] ```